About Regoneo Investments

RegoNeo Investments (Pty) Ltd was established in 2015 as a Specialist Staff Development Organization.Regoneo Investments is a comprehensive training solution for organisations ranging from technical to soft skills. Their clients range from large government municipalities to small privately owned businesses.

  • Rating:
  • Client: Regoneo Investments
  • Website: regoneoinvestments.com/
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Role: Product designer

The Challenge

The goal of the website is to retain as many people after the onboarding stage. The purpose is to connects company with it's potential clients. In order to accomplish this, I identified features that targets the interests of companies and directions that get people productive. The business model is to provide affordable and highly effective corporate training services to a wide range of clients that cuts across different divides.

User Research

First, I considered the similarities and differences between the training and consulting culture in South Africa. I discovered that there isn’t much cultural difference among South African consulting companies.

I’ve also researched about how Regoneo Investments can differentiate from competitors and where companies and organisations need help the most.

In terms of prioritization in selecting a vendor, most companies look for affordability and quality rather than speed and reputation in a training event. People prefer to schedule a time weeks or months in advance for professional training so speediness is not as relevant for such training.

I then asked companies how confident they feel about asking other companies for professional training.

When asked about preference in training or university, most companies preferred training because of convenience and duration.

The Problem

After the survey, I narrowed down the main three prioritization: Convenience, duration accuracy, and Affordability. I discovered that companies favors accessibility and accuracy during training.

The Solution

I aimed to create an interface that includes a clear selection of options and course types so that companies can find a suitable. The goal is to motivate companies to purchase the correct quantity and type of training.


The most fundamental user flow of the website is to initiate the communication response. This begins with finding information that relates to the companies major.


A sketch was produced with pen and paper to brainstorm ideas of how the design should appear based on the data gathered.


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Overall, the project was fun to work on.I thought it would be interesting to improve an existing product.The most challenging part of the project was creating solutions to solve the existing user problem. Instead of second guessing possible solutions, the market research helped with narrowing down key features that improves the overall user experience.

Final Product

Contact Me

Dont worry for contact i`m available

+27 76 037 9579

